Our journey from project management to customer experience (CX) management in Vietnam.
Starting 2012 in Vietnam, we encountered a booming economy with mainly local and some international players in the Banking & Retail Industry. These players required foreign expertise, mainly for project management and operational management jobs. At the time concepts like PMI Framework (Project Management Institute), Prince2 or Six Sigma were not very common in Vietnam yet.
Throughout the years local management teams matured, from mainly HR, Sales & Support Driven functions into project and operational management, and for us it was time to move on to Customer Experience (CX).
CX started in Vietnam with cash loan banks like Home Credit and E-commerce players like Lazada who taught this concepts to their foreign managers and built local CX teams with research, analytics and project management capabilities.
As a fairly good service culture, we had to make sure that the market and our client companies understood the difference between Customer Service and Customer Experience. Whereas Customer Experience is the pro-active approach to solve major issues before they happen, rather than reacting to single customer issues, as in Customer Service.
Here at Asia PMO we developed our own Customer Experience Methodology to ensure that the CX responsible, or team, follows a monthly cycle. This was done in order to Research - Analyze - Improve & Surprise and Implement & Measure 3 - 5 customer experience projects or actions and therefore build a continuous improvement cycle to improve the satisfaction and experience of customers.
For more information on our journey to Customer Experience in Vietnam and some insights on the Vietnamese market, regarding behavior and preferences please refer to our featured article in Oi Vietnam Magazine: http://oivietnam.com/2020/05/customer-satisfaction/
Oi Magazine's issue featuring Asia PMO:
To understand and implement Customer Experience in your teams and companies, feel free to comment below or contact us in the Chat or Inbox.